The Dream of MLK, Jr. 50 years later. . .1963-2013

The Dream of MLK, Jr. 50 years later. . .1963-2013

Embed from Getty Images Art work with narrative reflecting the thoughts, feelings and dreams of ethnic communities of color.   Reflection & Analysis on Marching on Washington Today –

Walking while Black…

Walking while Black…

April 2012 “On the rainy night of Sunday, Feb. 26, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin walked to a convenience store in Sanford, Fla. On his way home, with his Skittles and iced tea, the African-American teenager was shot and killed. The gunman, George Zimmerman, didn’t run. He claimed that he killed the young man in self-defense. The Sanford Police agreed and let him go. Since then, witnesses have come forward, 911 emergency calls have been released, and outrage over the killing has…

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